Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Good Riddance

It's funny how sometimes it can feel like time is flying by, while simultaneously dragging on forever. It's probably just a matter of perspective, like running through a forest. The trees whiz by, but the forest is never ending.

And with about the same speed and simultaneous sloth went the year 2008. It's been exhausting and I'm glad it's on its way out.

I look forward to 2009, if for no other reason than the proverbial fresh start. I think one of my resolutions will be to spend more time on hobbies. There's something to be said for the rejuvenating quality of spending time, energy, and effort on activities for leisure. I've learned that sleeping through the weekends or staring at the television aren't much more than coping mechanisms. (Although I still hate ABC for canceling "Pushing Daisies"...apparently the show was too brilliant for the general American audience.)

Anyway, if I succeed with this resolution, I might just blog a little more regularly. Imagine a new year full of entertaining, witty, and brilliant blog posts. Now hold that thought. For another blogger.

I'll do what I can.

Happy New Year.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Time Flies Back

It's nice to finally get back that one glorious hour. That is all.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Time Flies

This is my first post of 2008. Man. I've been so busy, I feel like I've gotten behind in life.

And then Daylight Savings comes and very nearly gets the best of my ignorant self. (Thank goodness for late Saturday emails from those who are more responsible than I.)

I'd lament the fact that I'll now be waking up to a darker morning, but we all know that I hardly get up early enough to notice any difference.