Friday, November 30, 2007


It's always sad to see a car where one of the driver- or passenger-side windows has fallen out of its tracks and just sits there, stuck halfway in the door. It's even more tragic when it's your own car. (I look at the oblique window and can't help but think, "I've fallen, and I can't get up!")

I'd love to share with you this pathetic image, but I can't bear to take a picture of it. Indeed, it's hard to use a camera when my fingers are frozen stiff from driving around with a window down like that. This will be my third trip to the repair shop in a month, as my old car proves herself to be high-maintenance and costly. Ugh.

In other sad news, check out the "holiday tree" that's been erected in downtown Seattle:

O, Christmas tree?

Living in The Emerald City of The Evergreen State, it's no wonder that people are a little disappointed in this scrawny shrub. In fact, it's already been dubbed the Charlie Brown tree. You can read about how it got to be so ugly here.

Well, lest I leave you utterly depressed, here's a photo that I took just the other day. Imagine waking up one fine Saturday morning to find this at your window:

Cue Psycho music.

Not quite as repulsive as the black squirrels that terrorize the Stanford campus. In fact, almost cute. Almost, that is, if it didn't look so intent on finding a way into my house. Gah...


  1. yeah, that is a pretty sorry-looking, anemic tree. and what IS that thing?? a squirrel? a chipmunk?? yikes, but made for a hilarious shot. you should make that photo your facebook profile pic.

  2. Sorry about the car. The squirrels must have had a go-psycho day...Tues I got a freaked out rapid fire monologue by MY window. Not your normal rodent chatter, this guy had issues.

  3. that squirrel picture is HILARIOUS!

  4. Jannie - Done!

    Auds - I laughed out loud at work when I read your comment.

    Lara - That's a real compliment, coming from you. Thanks! :)
