Monday, January 12, 2009

Cheers and Jeers

Just a few thoughts to kick off a new year for my blog. For those of you wondering how I'm doing, maybe these random snapshots will help you piece together a picture of my life at the moment. I don't care if it looks like a Picasso.

Hosting family and friends for the holidays can be draining, but always fulfilling and ultimately enjoyable. Definitely a cheer.

Unfortunately, the momentum of cleaning up my house didn't extend far into my disaster zone of a bedroom. This would be a jeer.

Cheer: We enjoyed a white Christmas.

Jeer: Home Depot is still sold out of snow shovels.

Cheer: I enjoyed returning to work in the new year, and I'm still loving this job...for as long as I have it, anyway.

Jeer: The bad economy, and ensuing layoffs to be announced at my company. We'll see what happens to me.

Cheer: My vision apparently improved the slightest bit possible over last year. I celebrated and bought an awesome new pair of glasses. Hooray, titanium.

Jeer: Said awesome pair of glasses cost me way too much. That's what I get for shopping at a store named "Eye Society."

Cheer: I've started running again these days.

Jeer: After the extended holiday break, run = sore.

Cheer: A new season of 24. Featuring a 767 and an A340! Okay, maybe not featuring...

Jeer: No more episodes of "Pushing Daisies." (I still despise ABC for canceling it.)

Jeer: I have no more cheers.

Jeer: I'm finding more white hairs on my head. They apparently grow in symmetrical pairs on both sides of my head. (I guess it's a cheer that I still have hair to speak of.)

Jeer: My inbox stands at 111 unread emails.

Double jeer: My spam folder contains 666.

Okay, I lied, I can think of one more cheer. Megan, a friend from church, got me The Book of Whale Insults for Christmas. Let me close with an excerpt from this gem of non-fiction reading:

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