Thursday, August 11, 2011

Five Years

Five years ago today I started working full-time at the company of my dreams.  As I am still there, I have already been labeled a lifer, and I'm perfectly fine with that.  Loyalty is way underrated these days, if you ask me.  Actually, you didn't, but I said it anyway.

The fact is, we do some pretty amazing stuff, and I'm still thrilled to be a part of it every day.  Here are just a few highlights from the past couple years.

Five years down...  Here's to 35 more!


  1. Hi Bryan,

    I found a very old blog you posted about a friend named Nick who owned a boat called Midnight Sojourn. Well, a friend of mine found a camera recently during Oktoberfest in Leavenworth WA. The only identifiable information was a picture of this boat. I am trying to find out who owns this boat so I can see if I can return this camera. The camera has 100's of pictures on it that I am willing to bet they would love to get back. Can you help me out?


  2. Oh, wow! Thanks so much for asking. While Nick, the owner of the Midnight Sojourn, confirmed it wasn't his camera, we did confirm it was our friend Eric whose camera was lost at Oktoberfest, which you've found. We're ecstatic over this, and I'm frankly astounded that this blog proved helpful. Thank you very much for your investigative efforts and for selflessly reaching out. I'll email you shortly to put you in touch with Eric.

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