Saturday, January 6, 2007

On Roots and Wings

The launch of this blog signals a departure from my old blog. My six years at Stanford have more or less been summarized in those archives of my babbling. Now that I've graduated and begun life as a working professional, I figure it's an opportunity to begin anew on the blogosphere as well.

And so an explanation of my title is in order. In case you aren't familiar with the phrase, "roots and wings," you're not alone. It comes from an anonymous quote:

There are but two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots, the other, wings.

Roots signify a child's foundation, a definition of who he is and where he comes from. Wings, on the other hand, are his means of leaving the security of the familiar in order to discover new horizons.

Indeed, I am living in a new home in a new state, working a new job, and sometimes feeling quite distant from that which I hold dear and familiar. But I've been equipped with the lessons and memories of the past, and they'll color the way I see things in the future. And so it will be with this blog. While I foresee a different blogging style for a new audience, some things will remain constant. For instance, a good degree of sarcasm and cynical humor. A penchant for scatological humor. And, of course, an irregular (at best, infrequent) posting schedule. In other words, I still aim to destroy any high expectations you may have for this blog. (Just so we're clear.)

So what, exactly, is new? Well, besides the new template, I'm also implementing the aforementioned new blogging style. No longer will you be reading (or awaiting) endless updates on everything I've been up to. Instead, expect to catch the occasional random thought. A rant, or a rave, to offer you a glimpse of my crazy life here. I figure that, with such a mindset, I'll be updating this blog a bit more frequently than my last.

So I hope you might enjoy the change. I of course welcome your feedback, friends and strangers alike. I hope to have fun with this, and dialogue is one place to start.

And now, folks, on with the show...


  1. bug, i am sooooo excited that you started a new blog! this post in particular was great, and made me excited about forthcoming posts. congrats on rejoining the blogosphere! i will give you lots of linky love on my site. :)

  2. The new template is great. Impressive, even (though that's more in reference to the banner at the top rather than the entire template).
