Sunday, April 8, 2007

Choir Nerd

Today is Easter, a celebration of the most significant person and event in the history of the Christian church, and I gotta say, Mars Hill Church sure knows how to celebrate.

This weekend was also the culmination of two months of rehearsals with the Mars Hill choir. On Good Friday, we sang "Lacrimosa" from the Mozart Requiem. It's a great piece that isn't hard for a classically-trained choir (most of us have sung the piece at some point in the past). So our singing on Good Friday went by without a hitch. Well, with just one exception. That was when a fog machine started generating smoke a little earlier than any of us expected, blowing the stuff right into our singing faces. It's a good thing we were behind an opaque scrim, or else people would've seen me trying painfully not to laugh at the sheer absurdity of the situation. All this, while we sang about a day of weeping. But, anyway, Friday was Good.

Then there was our repertoire for Easter Sunday. We got asked to sing gospel-style backup for Mars Hill's resident funk band, The Brothers of the Empty Tomb. Now that was interesting. You must understand, there is not a single black person in our choir. In an earlier rehearsal, our director even did an impression of Kip Dynamite (brother of Napoleon) singing "I love technology" her impression of us. Sad. But, thank God for blessing The BET with an awesome lead singer and a world class guitarist (you can read about them on pages 6 and 19 here). With their energy and skill, it wasn't hard to get into the music today and actually move with it! It was awesome and fun.

So, yeah, Mars Hill is still working on diversity. In fact, look here:

Behold the diversity at Mars Hill.

Three of the basses got together for a picture today. Together we account for almost half the population of Asian-Americans at Mars.


  1. awwww, i miss singing with you, ladybug!

    happy easter! :)

  2. bryan,

    i'm going to find you on the mars hill audio podcast on itunes. and listen. yay. and yes i read your blog through rss subscription =)


  3. I am oddly amused that you go to a church called Mars Hill.

  4. so... you committed the ultimate sin in my book. I'm a FOtB... not an Asian American. Either way, it was certainly fun singing with you, in some way shape or form...

    Oh my brethren!

  5. Lara - Oh, how I miss singing with you, too. More importantly, I miss identifying the phantom farters during rehearsal and drawing distracting images on the blackboard. O_O

    Jess - It's online, as you've discovered. Oh boy... (See below.)

    Howie - Mars Hill is a unique name, to say the least. I wasn't as much amused as disturbed at first...kinda sounds like a cult, right? It turns out to be the Areopagus, on which the apostle Paul preached in Athens.

    TL - If the term Asian-American refers only to those who grew up in the States, then yes I've committed an egregious error. Please forgive me, dear FOB. I'm still sad that our Asiancy got split up between Ballard and WS on Friday. :'(

    I also think I committed a more serious sin in this post by claiming that the singing went by without a hitch. After listening to the recording, I think that should read "without a pitch." Goodness. Goes to show that things sound so much better live. I just hope that that recording was of the second Ballard service when we were trying not to choke on smoke. :)

  6. Hey- I followed you here from Facebook, where I happened to see that you were from Champaign, and moved out here (my husband and I just moved out here a couple months ago). Anyway, I was just saying hey, and, as audience members, we definitely enjoyed the singing (although, I kind of wish we could have seen the faces with the smoke-blowing). :D

  7. Huh- apparently I logged in under a totally random account. Anyway, I posted the above comment, and that's my real name... but this is my blogger name. Whee!

  8. Whoa. Beth, as soon as I saw your profile pic, I started wondering if you were the same Beth that dated my friend Sam from high school. And then Facebook confirmed it all. What a crazy small world... We'll talk more on Facebook. :)
