Saturday, March 31, 2007


Earlier at work, an email announcement of free brownie sundaes in the cafeteria led to the greatest sense of urgency I've witnessed all day. The stampede of engineers to free food is really quite spectacular.

Tonight I washed my car for the first time since driving up from Palo Alto. That was more than eight months of caked-on Californian, Oregonian, and Washingtonian dirt, grime, brake dust, and road salt that are finally off the car. The old school bucket and towel session brought back memories of car washes at 307, when the sun would dry your car before you were done soaping it up. (Some things are no longer a concern these days...)

Ah yes, the purple car parade.

Meanwhile, I've been seriously thinking about taking my car in for a new paint job. It wouldn't be cheap, but it would be nice to enjoy looking at my car for a change. Of course she'd become some shade of blue (or blurple?), which means I'd have to change her name, because a blue car named "Blue" wouldn't be nearly as funny. Well, one can dream...

So, anyway, after a nice, detailed wash, Blue looked pristine for a moment. And then it started raining.


  1. your ending made me laugh out loud. i should have seen it coming, but somehow, i didn't. :-P

  2. haha i can't believe you linked to the 307 blog. I remember lisa and I were mocking it and plotting how to take it over (and that evolved into food247), because there were no posts say...between September and July.

    Which reaffirms the fact that the 307 Honoraries were much cooler than the actual residents (for reference, see: Ted =P)

  3. Oh! I've saved you a coupon from a car paint place! You may not use it but you could use the price in negociations.

    But you've got to play continental to get it!!! RA-HAHAHAH
