Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My Home

There's one sure way to recover an audience after a punishing post like my last.

That's right, folks, it's PICTURE TIME!

And I figure that, since it has been exactly six months since I moved into my new place, what better way to celebrate than to finally share with you some photos of the house. Check out all its majesty...

The view from my front door. Yes, I know, the walls are rather bare.

My living room, with books to be read on the coffee table and various recent greeting cards on top of the fireplace. Send me something and you might see it up there next time. I promise I won't use it as emergency fuel.

A view of the kitchen from the corner of the living room. Did you know that more couples fight in a yellow kitchen than one of any other color? And babies are more likely to cry and old people more prone to agitation in yellow rooms in general. Good thing none of the above apply to me, but perhaps some painting is in order, anyway.

Another view of the kitchen. The yellow kitchen. Peering into the (less, but still) yellow dining area.

And the dining area. Not walled off, so I wouldn't call it a room, but it's more than enough space for me and a few guests. I'm a big fan of pub height tables, and this 5-piece dining set was an awesome deal. Some of you will recognize the poster hanging on the wall. No, I don't intend to keep it there. I just needed something to temporarily break up the vast, yellow expanse.

Ignoring the garage, coat closet, and bathroom, that would be the first floor of my house. Once I've decorated my bedroom a little more, I'll post some pictures of the upstairs. And then you shall realize that bright yellow was one of the tamer colors of paint chosen by the previous owner of this house.

All in all, I do enjoy living here. And I really enjoy the fact that my house is still clean from the last weekend. I know, I can hardly believe it myself...


  1. wow, what a nice house! even with the yellow walls. reminds me of a short story we read in class called "the yellow wallpaper," where this lady lives in a room with golden yellow wallpaper with some crazy pattern on it, and then she starts seeing people in the wallpaper, and eventually she goes insane and hangs herself.

    don't do that.

  2. Reminds me of Irvo's place. And by "decorate" your room, do you mean "excavate the rolling hills of unsorted junk and then decorate"? Just wondering..

    Oh, and I'm a little disappointed at the lack of garage picture. Or, do you have to "decorate" that too?

  3. Thanks, Lara! The moment I start seeing people in my paint, I will flee the house. That's just too freaky.

    Dokes, it does look like you'll be the last to defend the "There's a room under there" legacy. Sorry to leave the dust. And, as for the's decorated more than enough right now. I'll show you what I mean in another post.
